2016-4-6 0:0:0 wondial已经做过成本分配的出库单在个别计价分配表中仍然体现为未分配
已经做过成本分配的出库单在个别计价分配表中仍然体现为未分配问题号: | 12957 |
解决状态: | 最终解决方案 |
软件版本: | 8.52 |
软件模块: | 存货核算 |
行业: | 通用 |
关键字: | 个别计价分配表 |
适用产品: | 852 |
问题名称: | 已经做过成本分配的出库单在个别计价分配表中仍然体现为未分配 |
问题现象: | 用户为个别计价,已经做过成本分配的出库单在个别计价分配表中仍然体现为未分配,导致用户有个别存货的金额重复分配成本,出库数量正确 |
问题原因: | 数据库问题,ia_individual表缺少相关记录,以及ia_subsidiary表中cbatchcode字段部分数据错误。 |
解决方案: | –先用下面语句添加缺少的部分记录: insert into ia_individual (cinid,coutid,cvouchcode,cquantity,cissale,cvoutype) (select cbatchcode, id, Null, isnull(iaoutquantity,iainquantity), case when cvoutype in (’26’,’27’,’28’,’29’) then 1 else 0 end, case when brdflag=1 then 2 else case when isnull(iaoutprice,0)>0 then 0 else 1 end end from ia_subsidiary left join warehouse on warehouse.cwhcode=ia_subsidiary.cwhcode where cwhvaluestyle=’个别计价法’ and not cbatchcode is null and not id in (select coutid from ia_individual) and not ia_subsidiary.cvoutype in (’24’,’30’) ) update ia_individual set cvoutype=’2′ from ia_individual a left join ia_subsidiary b on a.coutid=b.id and case when b.cvoutype in (’26’,’27’,’28’,’29’) then 1 else 0 end=a.cissale where a.cvoutype’2′ and b.brdflag=1 update ia_individual set cinid=c.autoid from ia_individual a left join ia_subsidiary b on a.cinid=b.autoid left join ia_subsidiary c on b.id=c.id and c.cvoutype=’01’ where b.cvoutype=’30’ –查找到出库大于入库的记录 select * from ia_individual where cinid in (select autoid from (select autoid,sum(isnull(iainquantity,0)) as innum from ia_subsidiary where brdflag=1 group by autoid) rdflag1 left join (select cbatchcode ,sum(isnull(iaoutquantity,0)) as outnum from ia_subsidiary where brdflag=0 group by cbatchcode) rdflag2 on rdflag1.autoid=rdflag2.cbatchcode where outnum>innum) –可以用下面语句找到个别记价成本分配错误数据 select * from (select autoid,sum(isnull(iainquantity,0)) as innum from ia_subsidiary where brdflag=1 group by autoid) rdflag1 left join (select cbatchcode ,sum(isnull(iaoutquantity,0)) as outnum from ia_subsidiary where brdflag=0 group by cbatchcode) rdflag2 on rdflag1.autoid=rdflag2.cbatchcode where outnum>innum –用下面的语句找到cbatchcode错误的明细帐入库记录记录。 select cbatchcode,* from ia_subsidiary where autoid in (select autoid from (select autoid,sum(isnull(iainquantity,0)) as innum from ia_subsidiary where brdflag=1 group by autoid) rdflag1 left join (select cbatchcode ,sum(isnull(iaoutquantity,0)) as outnum from ia_subsidiary where brdflag=0 group by cbatchcode) rdflag2 on rdflag1.autoid=rdflag2.cbatchcode where outnum>innum) |
补丁编号: | |
录入日期: | 2016-03-16 15:23:45 |
最后更新时间: |
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