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自动编号: | 19357 | 产品版本: | U6普及版3.1 |
产品模块: | 固定资产 | 所属行业: | 通用 |
适用产品: | 关 键 字: | ||
问题名称: | 重新计算每个月的年初原值、月初原值、月末原值 | ||
问题现象: | 如何利用语句重新计算每个月的年初原值、月初原值、月末原值 | ||
原因分析: | update fa_total set dblyearvalue = '年初原值' where sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = dblyearvalue where iperiod = '1' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '1' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '2' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '2' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '3' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '3' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '4' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from f | ||
解决方案: | update fa_total set dblyearvalue = '年初原值' where sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = dblyearvalue where iperiod = '1' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '1' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '2' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '2' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '3' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '3' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '4' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '4' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '5' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '5' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '6' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '6' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '7' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '7' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '8' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '8' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '9' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '9' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '10' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '10' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '11' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '11' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '12' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblvalue = dblmonthvalue - dbldecvalue +dbladdvalue 温馨提示:如果您的问题还没有解决,欢迎进入用友云基地。 |

自动编号: | 14095 | 产品版本: | U8.51A |
产品模块: | 项目管理 | 所属行业: | 通用 |
适用产品: | U851A----项目管理 | 关 键 字: | 账表查询 |
问题名称: | 项目管理存货预算对比分析表和项目预算分析表 | ||
问题现象: | 做了材料预算,与存货分类相对应,库存领料时受预算控制,超预算的无法领料,但是在项目管理存货预算对比分析表和项目预算分析表中查询时没有任何数据,不知可能是何原因? | ||
原因分析: | 项目管理与存货系统的接口是这样应用的:1、操作前提:(1)项目责任中心:将相关责任中心的数据来源设置为部门,并选定相关部门; (2)项目要素设置:将材料费的项目要素的对应项目设置为存货,并指定存货大类; (3)存货系统的材料出库单进行单据设置,表体项目选入项目、项目编号、项目大类、项目大类编号,然后录入数据。 (4)存货的材料出库单必须为已记账,且仓库计价方式不能为全月平均和计划价。2、到项目管理系统的专属要素汇总表中执行取 | ||
解决方案: | 项目管理与存货系统的接口是这样应用的:1、操作前提:(1)项目责任中心:将相关责任中心的数据来源设置为部门,并选定相关部门; (2)项目要素设置:将材料费的项目要素的对应项目设置为存货,并指定存货大类; (3)存货系统的材料出库单进行单据设置,表体项目选入项目、项目编号、项目大类、项目大类编号,然后录入数据。 (4)存货的材料出库单必须为已记账,且仓库计价方式不能为全月平均和计划价。2、到项目管理系统的专属要素汇总表中执行 温馨提示:如果您的问题还没有解决,欢迎进入用友云基地。 |