用银行存款支付到期商业承兑汇票款,应在现金流量表中"筹资活动现金流量"项目中列示( ) ??
2019-4-19 8:0:0 wondial如果您的问题还没有解决,可以到 T+搜索>>上找一下答案
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自动编号: | 19357 | 产品版本: | U6普及版3.1 |
产品模块: | 固定资产 | 所属行业: | 通用 |
适用产品: | 关 键 字: | ||
问题名称: | 重新计算每个月的年初原值、月初原值、月末原值 | ||
问题现象: | 如何利用语句重新计算每个月的年初原值、月初原值、月末原值 | ||
原因分析: | update fa_total set dblyearvalue = '年初原值' where sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = dblyearvalue where iperiod = '1' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '1' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '2' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '2' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '3' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '3' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '4' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from f | ||
解决方案: | update fa_total set dblyearvalue = '年初原值' where sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = dblyearvalue where iperiod = '1' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '1' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '2' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '2' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '3' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '3' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '4' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '4' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '5' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '5' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '6' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '6' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '7' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '7' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '8' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '8' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '9' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '9' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '10' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '10' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '11' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblmonthvalue = x.dblvalue from (select dblvalue from fa_total where iperiod = '11' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码')as x where iperiod = '12' and sdeptnum = '部门编码' and stypenum = '资产编码' update fa_total set dblvalue = dblmonthvalue - dbldecvalue +dbladdvalue 温馨提示:如果您的问题还没有解决,欢迎进入用友云基地。 |

自动编号: | 16871 | 产品版本: | U8.51A |
产品模块: | 总账 | 所属行业: | 通用 |
适用产品: | U851A | 关 键 字: | 有人正在升级 |
问题名称: | 进入总帐模块时总提示"有人正在升级,请等待" | ||
问题现象: | 进入某年度帐的总帐模块时总提示"有人正在升级,请等待",点击确定后可以正常使用总帐模块 | ||
原因分析: | 比其他年度帐的ACCINFORMATION多一行记录,记录编号为999,记录说明为"是否有人在升级" | ||
解决方案: | 将该记录删除即可 温馨提示:如果您的问题还没有解决,欢迎进入用友云基地。 |